Silver Lake is home to 52 historic public stairways (map). The stairways, or walk-streets, were originally built by developers to quickly connect pedestrians between steep hillside residential areas and the lower commercial streets, schools, and trolley lines. Some houses were even built on these stairways, without access to vehicular roads. Now they are enjoyed by neighbors and stairway walking groups.
To promote a stair culture and preserve, protect, and enhance one of our community treasures. You can make a difference – develop strong connected neighborhoods, keep our stairways safe, and encourage walking, public health, and awareness of history.
Adopt A Stair
How you can make a difference
Build community by connecting with your neighbors.
Advocate for the stairs.
Coordinate clean-ups, beautification and landscaping projects.
Coordinate graffiti removal.
Develop ideas for amenities.
Involve your neighbors in creating a vision for the stairway.
Get involved! There can be more than one adopter for a stairway.
We’re here to help
The Silver Lake Neighborhood Council and the Silver Lake Improvement Association are here to support you. We can help navigate getting any needed resources.
Contact information
Get in touch with us at stairs@silverlakenc.org to volunteer or inquire. Monthly meetings through the Silver Lake Green Committee are posted on the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council website calendar.
You may also contact our community partner at SilverLakeImprovementAssociation.org or attend their regular meeting, held the fourth Monday of each month at Laguna Senior Apartments, 4201 Sunset Boulevard, 90029. Write SLIABoard@gmail.com to confirm time and date.
To Learn more about our Guidelines, please click here.
Our current list of adopted and available stairways. Click here. (updated 9/18/23)