About Us
The Silver Lake Neighborhood Council works to honor diversity, build community, forge bonds with neighboring communities, and promote participation in city governance and decision-making processes to improve the quality of life for all of Silver Lake’s Stakeholders.
BYLAWS (2024)
SLNC SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY (Adopted 9/3/14; Updated 1/3/18)
​The Silver Lake Neighborhood Council Governing Board meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (Meetings are currently being held via Zoom due to the Pandemic; pre-pandemic the meets were held at Ivanhoe Elementary School.) Please check calendar for locations on specific dates. Note: All Silver Lake Neighborhood Council events are public, unless otherwise noted. Committee Meetings & Agendas are posted no later than 72 hours before the meeting date.
In June, 1999, the voters of Los Angeles approved a new City Charter which created the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE). Its purpose is to promote more citizen participation in government and to make government more responsive to local needs through a citywide network of neighborhood councils. Each council is responsible for representing the diverse interests of its “Stakeholders.”
In Silver Lake, a stakeholder is anyone who lives, works, owns property, or owns or operates a business within the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council boundaries; or who is a member of a community group, school, or religious institution in the community; or who works for an adjacent school or religious institution, which serves the community. To serve on the Governing Board of the SLNC, or to vote in Board member elections, stakeholders must be at least 18 years of age and fill out a stakeholder registration.
North: LA River/Riverside Terrace –
South: Clifford/Mayberry/101 Fwy
East: 2 Fwy/Glendale/Coronado/Waterloo –
West: Hoover/Myra/Hyperion
Silver Lake Neighborhood Council was certified by the City in February, 2003. We elected our first 21-member Governing Board in September of that year. Board member elections are held each year in September. Members are elected to a two-year term. Any stakeholder 18 years of age or older is eligible to run for a seat on the Governing Board.
To get involved, we encourage you to attend and participate in our meetings of the Board and all committees. Much help is needed in all areas. To call attention to a community problem or suggest something for our agenda click on Contact link at the top of this page.
SLNC Bylaws are the rules that are adopted by this organization for the government of our members and the regulation of our affairs. Read and download our bylaws.
Submit a motion, and/or download a Neighborhood Purposes Grant Application.
Our Meeting Agendas, and News are now sharable via Twitter and Facebook, so please feel free to spread the word about our events and meetings.
Read archived newsletters to learn about SLNC news and activities.
Declaración de Misión
El Consejo Vecinal de Silver Lake Consejo trabajará para honrar la diversidad, construir la comunidad, establecer lazos con las comunidades de vecinos, y promover la participación en el gobierno de la ciudad y la toma de decisiones para mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los sectores interesados de Silver Lake.
¿Qué es un Consejo Vecinal?
En junio de 1999, los votantes de Los Ángeles aprobaron una nueva Constitución de la Ciudad que creó el Departamento de Fortalecimiento de Vecindarios (DONE). Su propósito es promover una mayor participación ciudadana en el gobierno y para hacer al gobierno más sensible a las necesidades locales a través de una red en toda la ciudad de los consejos de barrio. Cada Consejo es responsable de representar los diversos intereses de sus “partes interesadas”.
En Silver Lake, un “stakeholder” es alguien que vive, trabaja, tiene una propiedad, o es dueño u opera un negocio dentro de los límites del Consejo Vecinal de Silver Lake, o que sea miembro de un grupo de la comunidad, la escuela o institución religiosa en la comunidad, o que trabaja para una escuela adyacente o institución religiosa, que sirve a la comunidad. Para formar parte del Consejo de Administración de la SLNC, o para votar en las elecciones de los miembros del consejo, los interesados deben tener por lo menos 18 años de edad y llenar un registro de los interesados.
Si necesita asistencia en español, por favor contactar Secretary.
Traducción en las juntas también se puede solicitar con minimo tres dias de anticipo.