Meeting Recaps
MEETING RECAP – June 2, 2021
Approved the creation of the Reimagining Public Safety and Justice Committee and Mely Corado Memorial Ad Hoc Committee
Passed CIS letters in support of Council Files 14-0268-S13 (Tenant Harassment / Ordinance), Council File 21-0035 (Replacement of Rent-Stabilized Units), and Council File 21-0064 (requiring that all disposable food ware be provided to customers only upon request)
Approved an NPG of $500 to the American Cancer Society for the Annual Relay For Life of Griffith Park Communities and Hollywood by being a community sponsor
Approved the official SLNC apology letter to the Corado family regarding this organization’s initial 2018 response to the murder of Mely Corado
MEETING RECAP – May 5, 2021
Installation of newly elected Governing Board members and Oath of Office pledge.
Election of SLNC Executive Officers.
Appointment of Alliance Liaisons tabled for the next meeting.
Board approved an NPG of $2,700 for the Company of Angels Theater in an effort to bring outdoor, youth-driven theater to Silver Lake.
Board passed a CIS letter in support of Council File 19-1235 exploring the establishment of a Municipal Bank of Los Angeles.
Board approved to sign onto a community letter to the LA River Master Plan team urging substantial changes
MEETING RECAP – November 4, 2020
DONE update from Jackie Kim: virtual events not using financial funding do not need event form, all land use committee members at all NCs need to complete land use training in December 2020 (webinars being scheduled now)
Ad Hoc Election Committee reinstated with candidate filing period starting December 5, 2020. Co-chairs to be elected at first committee meeting. Election to take place for Silver Lake on April 6, 2021. More information here.
Motion approved to oppose Council File 20-1376, which would make it illegal to sit, lie, sleep, or store property on any street, sidewalk, or street, or within 500 feet of any freeway/ramp/tunnel, or within 500 feet of any supportive services facility built after January 1, 2018
Motion approved to send a letter of support for CUP requested at 2811 Waverly Drive
Motion approved to send a letter of support for CUB requested (full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption) at 1529 Griffith Park Blvd
Motion approved to send a letter to LA City Council members Ryu and O’Farrell advocating regular cleaning and maintenance of covid-related hygiene resources for unhoused people such as hand-washing stations and port-a-potties
Re-elected governing board co-chairs Anthony Crump and Nicholas Fox Robbins for the term from 11/2020 through 5/2021 when the new neighborhood council board is seated
Please note that draft minutes from the meeting are forthcoming and will supersede this brief recap.
MEETING RECAP – October 7, 2020
Jeff Klein from the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters presented “Voting in a Time of Pandemic” with some good information about our national general election on November 3, 2020. You can see his presentation here.
Lanee Basulto, Election Administrator for the Los Angeles Office of the City Clerk, presented to us about the neighborhood council election to take place for Silver Lake on April 6, 2021. More information here.
Motion approved to allocate $1,000 of Rollover funds to Election expenditures, and $3,708.51 to NPG’s
Motion approved to allow for minute taking services for all Governing Board and Special Governing Board meetings, as well as once a month for the UDP Committee. Any committee can use minute taking services if it is brought before the SLNC for approval.
Motion approved for the SLNC, led by the Housing & Tenant’s Rights Committee, to host a virtual panel to help tenants navigate the City, State, and Federal Housing legislation created in response to the COVID pandemic.
Motion approved for the LGBTQIA Advocates Committee to host a nonpartisan voter registration event called “Take Pride in Voting”
Motion approved for SLNC to host the 2nd Small Revolutions Zoom Panel called “Endangered Spaces” which will focus on this importance of and preservation of queer spaces in East Central LA
Motion approved for SLNC to use social media channels and monthly newsletter to spotlight local homelessness mutual aid organizations active in the Silver Lake community
Motion approved for SLNC to send a letter to city authorities regarding the definition of stakeholder and voting access for unhoused community members
NPG approved for $500 to support the 26th Annual Music Box Steps Day 2020
Please note that draft minutes from the meeting are forthcoming and will supersede this brief recap.
MEETING RECAP – September 2, 2020
S. Congressman Adam Schiff attended the SLNC Governing Board meeting and spoke on the state of affairs in Washington D.C. He also took some Q&A. We thank him for his service to our district that includes all of Silver Lake.
Motion approved to use the SLNC logo for promotion of the upcoming Civil Rights panel being organized with Los Feliz NC and East Hollywood NC.
Appointed Seth Copenhaver and Maebe A. Girl as liaisons to the Silver Lake Improvement Association.
Motion approved to send letter to LAUSD recommending the cancellation of contracts with municipal police on LAUSD campuses and a measured dissolution of the LA School Police Department over time.
Motion approved to support Council File 18-0131 directing Dept. of Parks & Recs to evaluate the use of zero emissions maintenance equipment at parks.
Motion approved to send letter detailing illegal residential lockouts by landlords and encouraging city officials to take action to prevent such lockouts.
Motion approved to send letter encouraging city officials to provide greater funding and attention to tenants in anticipation of the coming eviction surge.
Motion approved to send a letter to Dept. of Parks & Rec and the Los Angeles Dodgers encouraging expanded access to and use of the Tommy Lasorda Field of Dreams on Waterloo Street.
Motion approved to support Council File 20-0990 to require mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion training and anti-bias training for all Neighborhood Councilmembers.
Discussion regarding a collaboration with LA Community Fridges to install a community fridge in Silver Lake. LA Community Fridges has fridges to donate and can share best practices. SLNC can assist by identifying potential community locations or businesses to host a fridge, allocate money and identify an artist to paint/decorate the fridge, and identify and manage volunteers to donate/stock and clean the fridge. Contact Samantha Danner.
Please note that draft minutes from the meeting are forthcoming and will supersede this brief recap.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our virtual Governing Board Meeting on August 5th. Brief recap:
Elected Cameron Bard as a new Region 7 representative on the Governing Board
Appointed Albert Andrade and Dulce Stein both as Assistant Secretaries in support of the elected Secretary
Motion approved to make mandatory the recording of all virtual committee meetings, the archiving of those recordings, and the distribution (posting) of those recordings on the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council website effective immediately
Please note that draft minutes from the meeting are forthcoming and will supersede this brief recap.
Motion approved to file Community Impact Statement (CIS) from the Homelessness Committee supporting an unarmed model of crisis response in non-violent calls for service using non-law enforcement agencies, specifically requesting that the city move away from using LAPD as first responders in homeless outreach
$300 outreach funds approved to publicize the Slow Streets program when the City approves the streets submitted by SLNC
Motion approved to send letter to city council and mayor endorsing the People’s Budget
Motion approved to send letter to city council and mayor condemning police violence and calling on the mayor to investigate police brutality and maltreatment
Motion approved to file Community Impact Statement (CIS) in support of restoring funding to the Office of Climate Emergency Mobilization and the Climate Emergency Commission
Motion approved to adopt the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council Anti-Racism Resolution
Motion approved to send letter to city council and mayor encouraging bold action on homelessness prevention efforts given the economic impacts of COVID-19 and brought to light by the recent Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) 2020 Homeless Count
Motion approved to file Community Impact Statement (CIS) opposing city councilmember Joe Buscaino’s motion to arm park rangers
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our virtual Governing Board Meeting on July 1st. Brief recap:
$5,650 NPG approved to Pueblo Nuevo to buy grocery gift cards for low-income SLNC families at Camino Nuevo Cisneros Charter School in the wake of the COVID pandemic
Motion approved recommending approval for the construction of 6 small lot homes at 2822 Waverly Drive
Motion approved recommending the planting of two native street trees in the sidewalk in front of L & E Oyster bar in memory of Timothy Stirton who was tragically killed there in a traffic incident on June 17, 2020
$1,620 NPG Approved to SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition to distribute prepared meals to approximately 90 low-income and unhoused community members in July 2020
$500 NPG Approved to Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center for re-opening after COVID programs and infrastructure
Motion approved to create the SLNC Ad Hoc Committee on Police Reform
Draft minutes forthcoming and will supersede this brief recap. The Governing Board is planning a Special Meeting for the week of July 6th to cover the many new business items on the agenda that we ran out of time to discuss.
Week of July 6, Date TBD, Special Meeting 7 – 10PM
Wednesday, August 5, Regular Meeting 7 – 10PM